Make your own totally free website, no ads at all.

Level 1: Make a super basic website using just markup, no html

Level 2: neocities Make a super custom website using HTML (and CSS when you're ready for it).

melon It would be hard to beat the Melon King at linking to valuable resources like the Wayback Machine of Geocities.

2bit Found via Melon King, this 2bit website is just stunning to look at.

p-m Teach yourself to program. Foul language doesn't counteract the broad collection of resources presented.

the brain The best unified playlist /slash/ mashup /slash/ mixtapes you will ever find online.

Oh, you just wanted links directly to free mp3s? Okay, fine, here you go.
Sorry about them all coming from related artists, it's what I was able to find quickly. I'm sure to add more in the future!
Source for all but the brain: Kania Tieffer's site; source for Kania Tieffer: The Brain.